Conference on High-Frequency Trading
Conference on High-Frequency Trading


We appreciate the support from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, the Faculty of Mathematics, the Wolfgang Pauli Institute and the Wiener Wissenschafts,-Forschungs- und Technologiefond WWTF.

Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics

Faculty of Mathematics

Wolfgang Pauli Institute WPI

Wiener Wissenschafts,-Forschungs- und Technologiefond WWTF


The conference is organized as part of the WWTF grant MA14-008 'Portfolio Risk and Asset Allocation: Utilizing High-Frequency Information in High Dimensions'.

For the project website click here.

HFT2016 | Astrid Kollros  | Unversität Wien  | Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1  | 1090 Vienna  | Austria  |